Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Picture Mania!!!!

Fuckin' four exclamation points!

These are in order by date: furthest to most recent.

Labor day weekend, It was Sunday August 31st. JohnL had texted me asking about a local park, inquiring about its location and the price of admission. Me feeling as if he were looking for a nice area to escape his apartment and everyday routine. I bluntly suggest the action of screwing that plan and take a drastic alternative which would also include me. I suggested: The Santa Monica Ledges... I didn't get a text or call back. Then about ten minutes later I get a call from Jessica's phone, They were trying to get a hold of me from the moment they received the text. Unfortunately my phone often times sucks a grip of ass in my apt.

On our way down!
On the way down

Took the GT-S
Rick and JohnL in car

Drinking along the way made for such a great trip, the central valley went by so quick.
Drinking during the trip

On the 405 almost there.
Sunset and overpass

My favorite spot ever in the history of the earth.(or at least the parts I've been.)
Santa Monica Sand Gap

This was off of the Santa Monica pier, somethin'.
I don't know what was going on

Re-enacting a clueless scene.
Clueless status

Fair wheel... How is it spelled? faires... fairus... fairies.. fairest. Haha, I don't really care how its spelled, some fuckin' carnie named it anyway.
Santa monica wheel

After we left the pier we were trying to figure out what we were going to do in the form of "a place to stay." So we drove inland, then west again somehow. Anyhow we end up in Beverly Hills and Jessica spots a hotel, we check it out and BOOM! Quite the deal.
The stars inn

There was like five lamps in the room.
the stars inn

We were driving down the road and JohnL said "take a picture of that." So thanks to John's quick word, my cat like reflexes (had to set the shutter speed), and Canons fast startup and shoot speed this picture happened. Oh and by the way I still hate limos with all my body, this is in no way an exception. I seriously debated for about 12 minutes weather I should put this up or not, I figured it was already on my flickr so why not.
Crazy limo

Can you read this? It says Scientology.

I really liked this fence up in the hills.
fence in beverly hills

I had never been to Venice so this was quite the experience. The Pit!
Pit tower

The pit

JohnL standing

Jessica JohnL and Rick

Jessica JohnL and Rick

Jessica JohnL Rick the pit

Then we went back home. Hit some traffic.

This dude was looking at a map while driving.
dude with map

So back in Fresno, CA.

The next day I went to Hanford so that my roommate Bev could pick-up her new to her car. Its a 2000 Toyota Avalon, its nice. So the day after getting her car, she suggested going to the beach with the dogs. I was up for it, so we take both Vega and Foxy and take off for Morro Bay!

Before going to the beach Foxy didn't like to walk or really move anywhere. She had only been with us for about a week and a half. But after getting to the beach and just sitting with her, she was all about walking around and has been ever since.

This is Bev and Vega walking towards Morro Rock.
Walking towards the Rock

This sign is telling the truth.
death from drowning

Fence blocking you from just swimming across or somethin'.

Beyond the fence.
beyond the fence

Morro Rock and the sunset at f/14.
Morro Rock

Foxy boxy. This is also her home again picture.
Foxy on beach

Ms. Foxy pulling away from Bev.

Both Vega and Foxy were pulling pretty good.
Vega, and Foxy

Foxy, Bev, Vega.Foxy pulling away.Foxy, Vega, Bev.

I was actually pretty close to getting wet on this one. Doesn't really look like it though.

Bev off in the distance.
Bev walking around

A perfect Sand Dollar!
silver dollar

We come back to Fresno, CA. the same night. Along the way we stop at a gas station. I go in and immediately notice on the overhead speaker system is Metallica's "Unforgiven." Which caught me off guard, so much so that I actually looked up at the ceiling in disbelief. I walk over to the fountain drink machine and fill a 32oz. cup full of Raspberry Ice Tea. I take it over to the cashier, he asks how I'm doing. I answer "pretty good." I then look down into my wallet waiting for him to say the amount so I could grab it. I then hear him say "alright man, have a good night." I thought he was talking to someone else walking out or somethin'. I look up and say "how much is it?" He repeats himself "alright man, have a good night." So I 'm like is that it? He said yeah. So I said thanks and left. Pretty tight.

That weekend Katrina had a huge bash for her birthday.

this picture is of Andrew and I drinking some wild turkey and coke.
Andrew and Rick

That was kinda the only picture from that whole time. It was a fun time, especially dancing and twister at Andrews. JohnL and I were wearing matching shirts. His read "I <3 cocaine." Mine read "I <3 drugs." The pictures that were takin' with my camera of us were blurry, so yeah.

The week after I stayed at John and Jessica's apt. to wait for comcast to fix their cable. After that they took me out to dinner, it was a great time.
Across the table

Waiting for food

Look at the above picture hard enough, there were two dudes in a booth behind us a bit. They are smiling for the camera. I like it.
dudes looking at camera

I had an egg salad sandwich on wheat. It was very good.

Since I have no real sense of time, I'm not sure when this happened. But I do know it was after the egg salad sandwich.

Andrew and I went to skate this big downhill bank. It took a lot of sweeping before we could barge it.
Andrew sweeping

How you gonna sweep me away like that???!?!?!?!?
Andrew sweeping me away

Andrew starting off.
Andrew about to go down

You get going pretty quick.
Andrew going down

Andrew poppin' up in the air.
Andrew ollie on bank

Andrew skating by
Andrew walking up

Me not really doing anything.
Rick not really doing anything

Rick walking up

OOOOOOOOHHHHHH, Andrew's shadow!!!!!!!!!!!
Rick standing (Rick is me.)(I should stop that)

I'm still waiting for the train that goes in the ocean. Not with a tunnel, just itself on some tracks.
Thumbs up train

This is getting to be nearly to much. I will do my best to not get this behind in putting pitures up.

I took foxy over to my moms for a day of play.
Foxy near cat

Pretty good side shot right?
Foxy side shot

Foxy with hands on stone

Foxy laying

Foxy sitting

laying down on the couch at home.
Foxy laying on her back

This is a birthday card I made my friend and old roommate Tommy. He didn't take it with him when he moved.
Tommy's old b-day card

then Foxy was wondering what I was doing.
Foxy over Tommy's old b-day card

Alright alright alright.

I hope you all know you could go to my flickr and look at all of them, different sizes too! They were up on that before here, and thats how it will be always. Also, check out Andrews flickr He has some great pictures, and more of me from skating the big downhill bank.


Bee said...

Rick! I have some pix of you, john and andrew at Bj's for Kat's bday ...i'm trying to get them loaded onto my photo bucket thing but i'll send it to you as soon as i get it uploaded promise!

Rick is not Serious said...


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