Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The next three shoes I buy.

These again, because they are such a great shoe and I love them.

A new pair of Vulcanized sole with the Mercer select. I need red.

These shoes to stomp out the tricks with the cup sole. Coming soon the Lucas Puig pro model. I like this color way too.

Its here finally!


drank 2

drank words

drank lean

little armored one.

I love these creatures. The Armadillo.


They can SWIM!!!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jeremy Clarkson’s New DVD “Thriller” On Sale November 3rd

Jeremy’s new DVD, Thriller, goes on sale on November 3rd.

Here’s a short trailer for it:

Stuff and junk.

I've been playing a lot of Nintendo 64. Goldeneye, Mario kart, Rush 2, cruis'n USA, and some Zelda Ocarina of time. Bev is all about Zelda.

Nintendo 64

Bev and my Bicycles. They are pretty fun, I ride Bev's cruiser a lot.

Bev and my bicycle

Peugeot 10-speed.
Peugeot Bicycle

I really like my bikes color scheme.
Peugeot Bicycle.

Shimano gears.
Shimano gears

Bev, Paul, and I went to the big Fresno fair.
Parking lot

Paul bought a corn dog immediately.
Paul buying a corndog

Paul and I shot at osama bin laden.
Paul shooting

I'm a pretty good shot.
Me and Paul shoot em up

The goal was to shoot all the red. I failed. I blamed the gun.
Take that osamma

Paul did pretty good.
Paul shot ossaaamamama

The background is in focus but its okay.
High Five.
high five.

Video games at the fair.
Video games at the fair

D.D.A.M.M. = Drunk Drivers against Mad Mothers.

The livestock area was somethin'. Firstly fuck future farmers of america or whatever its called. Those kids need to get a life. Secondly, I really love all animals and don't want anything bad to happen to any of them. (excluding Horses.)

I want a pig.

Chicks are pretty awesome.

I want a cow too. I'd cuddle with one.
Ow now brown cow

Paul ate some more.
Paul eating

Paul thumbs up to grapes of the valley.
Paul thumbs up to grapes

I'm not in focus but its okay.
Me and some grapes

fruit and veggies

Paul waving at the kid who is fishing.
waving to the fishing kid

This is a lot of garlic. Not from gilroy either.
Paul and Garlic.

I won a fish, It was kinda my goal of the night.
Lock-jaw when we first met

He is a pretty cool guy, I named him "Lock-jaw."
Lock-jaw the fish

Bev and I made our own candles too.
This is Bev's.
Bev made this one.

and Mine.
I made this candle.

I'm just going to put this on here. My two vehicles. Honda elite ch80 scooter, and my 1988 Toyota Corolla FX.
Scooter and car

I really do love this car, I've been starting it up and washing it lately because I put it on craigslist. I deleted the post today, if the three people who have contacted me don't buy it I'm not going to sell it. Its a great little car.

corolla blur 4

corolla blur 3

corolla blur 2

corolla blur1

16 inch Konig Divas wrapped in Yokohamas.
Rebel XT- 10.06.08 corolla 010


Toyota front side shot

JohnL loves me. I love his eyes.
Johnl loves me

Andrew loves hallway thresholds.
andrew eating pizza

JohnL and I, probably Andrew for that matter were super drunk. I didn't even remember taking these pictures. Serious.
Johnl's face

That fabreeze isn't normally a shelf type item.
John and Andrew with dogs

Lady Boom-Boom (foxy) wanted some pizza.
John and pizza eating andrew

John and Andrew in my living room

High five!!!!! on a greatly huge-ass entry.
Andrew high five

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