Sunday, November 30, 2008

Kyle showed me this.

I don't know what to say. Amazing driving, amazing car, amazing tires.

I always get hugely jealous and very bitter when I watch ken Block do driving stuff. I don't know the dude, but I think I'd be better at everything he does I just don't get the chance 'cause I'm not in the same tax bracket as him. Driving, and owning a business.

New Bicycle

I'm so incredibly happy. Its super comfortable, very cool looking, and great quality. I even bought a detachable basket for the front of it. It was missed tagged from the original $419 to $339 so I had to jump on it.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Not Top Gear.

This is a Fifth Gear video. I don't like Fifth gear that much, its not as funny as Top Gear and they don't do as many creative things. But This clip with the Lexus IS-F and the M3 is pretty awesome. I want both, pretty much on top of the game, Toyota and BMW. Doesn't get better.

Baby Snails

They're all over these plants outside.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I can't believe I'm putting these words together in a sentence.

Turkey Fart Dance. My buddy Katrina worked some of the puppetry. Click it, watch it. Its only like a minute, and some kids want a bunch of hits/plays.


Monday, November 24, 2008


Photos from a couple of days ago. Skating with JohnL and Andrew.

Andrew 50

JohnL back blunt

JohnL back 50

JohnL front smith

JohnL crookie monster

JohnL back smith

JohnL standing

Quite the buttery ledge.


Quite the broken light.
broken light

backside flip

backside flip

Andrew taking picture of a dead bird

Ambulance drive by

I was trying to phsyc myself into Ollie-ing that gap again, while doing so BOOM!
Busted threw my sock and scratched up my skin. I'm not trying to be Jaime Thomas. I was done, as are those shoes.

Andrew and johnL after skating

Friday, November 21, 2008

Fancy photos.

Pretty awesome photo set. The magic of make-up, photography and a good model. Taking a 20 year old model. Making her 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years old.

Vogue Paris November 2008
with Eniko Mihalik by Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin
styled by Carine Roitfeld, make-up by Lisa Butler

Marc Johnson - Modus Operandi part

Chevrolet copys lakai.

This is some fucking crap. Its hard to list all the reasons but the jist (is that how its spelled? Gist perhaps.)
Chevrolet does a commercial for what looks to be the Aveo.
I honestly don't have much against the new Aveo, they look pretty alright.
But I also know that its not a high performance auto, not even a medium performer.
I also know The Lakai fully flared intro is very well known not just in the skate community.

In the Chevrolet commercial There is a super weak wannabe track trying to sound like M83. Then these two mother fuckers in the car look at each other and this big ass cake in the middle of the god damn highway.

They start forward motion at 0:18 seconds into the commercial. At 0:20 you get a quick glimpse at the speedo which is already somewhere past 65 mph. Then at 0:22 seconds in 4 seconds past initial take off they are at 100mph and the tach is nearly to 4000 revolutions per minute. Ok as if this up to speed in the time shown wasn't enough for you. then these two fucks in the car look at each other or some shit and shift together, yeah together. Now it sounds like they are shifting down (into 4th I assume.) I mean, they had to have been in 5th to be going 100 in that little thing, so it sounds like they shift down and the speedo goes to a blistering 120mph and the tach stays right around 4grand. Which all in all doesn't make any god damn since. They must have taken the speed limiter off for the commercial. I remember my Saturn was limited to a good 104mph looking out for the engine.

Brace yourself your in a tiny car about to crash threw a fucking cake, drum roll. Boom slow-mo

Spike and Ty rip off. Fuck you chevy ad people. So lame.


New Balances are always pretty delicious.


Yarlong Tsangpo


Yarlong Tsangpo river.


I would like to go on vacation here.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Toyota still on top.


That is the Amazing, all-new 1.33-liter Dual VVT-i engine. VVT-i (variable valve timing - intelligent) provides continuous, variable control of both the intake and exhaust valves to optimize performance and fuel consumption. This also yields more torque at low engine speeds and helps reduce exhaust emissions. When the car is stationary, with the transmission in neutral and the driver's foot off the clutch pedal, the engine automatically and quietly stops to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. When the driver re-engages the clutch, the engine automatically restarts. This brings particular benefits in urban traffic, with a potential 15 per cent improvement in the amount of fuel used and CO2 emissions.

VVT-i, the start-up noise level has been reduced by 9dB. Good jebus! Toyotas are already the most quite running cars on earth. Some society for the blind sued Toyota for making their automobiles to quite, blind people were getting run over cause they couldn't hear them. BLIND PEOPLE NOT HEARING THEM!!!!!!!!!!

Two Jump drive posts in a row

Kingston unveils 64GB DataTraveler 150 for $177. Good mother fucking lord that is a lot of space!


Monday, November 17, 2008

I need a couple of these. (So does Andrew.)

Carabiner Flash drive.


Carbon Copies.


So you get 240 pencils. They're made from carbon of a cremated human. Each pencil is stamped with the name of deceased and the date they lived. When you sharpen the pencil in the box they come in the shavings collect back into a new urn once you're done. Though I don't think there is really that much "lead" that "shaves" back. It would mostly be wood right? Weird asses here.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fall Saturdays in Fresno, CA.

Andrew and I take a skate day to the next level with some great photos.

Andrew catching on fire

Some launch action.
Andrew standing on launch

Andrew Ollie

This is a Frontside sandwich with a creamy backside center.
Andrew threesome

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Yes Please.

cs4 screen

Friday, November 14, 2008

Recent Events.

No order and maybe not all the pictures. You are welcome to travel over to Alright, So...

I got my first pair of New Balances. I'm really excited about them. I love new Balance.
first pair of new balances

This is Bev's tattoo. I have this idea for a finger tattoo. I want a black comb tattooed on my finger so I can put it up to my philtrum so I can be doing an impression of Mel Brooks doing an impression of Hitler. Impersonating an impersonator.
with stach

Halloween night was cool. I dressed as a cowboy. The following days sucked 'cause Bev totally had some kidney stones and had to be rushed to the E.R.
Bev and I
Courtney and Bev
day of the dead Bev
Amber Bock can.
Amber bock can?
Amber was saying Tommy should cut his beard. Everyone else disagreed. Probably.
tommy beard
Tommy on halloween
paul on halloween

Then got Bev from the hospital and drove to L.A.X. Wow.
l.a.x. sign

Went to Hanford a lot.
On the way to Hanford
on the way to Hanford

Took the dogs of course.
Foxy and Vega in the car

"Happy Birthday Dad, We <3 u""Happy Birthday Dad, We <3 u""Happy Birthday Dad, We <3 u"
"Happy Birthday Dad, We <3 u""Happy Birthday Dad, We <3 u""Happy Birthday Dad, We <3 u"

Above are some photos I took for some friends. It was Anthony's b-day so Courtney wanted to do this sweet photo set for him. It was pretty cool.

Andrew and I skated an empty skate park.
Andrew at an empty skatepark
standing on board

Dogs at dog parks.
Foxy and vega

And friends buying houses.
Outside Pauls house. (Before)

Don't forget I was without internet for almost a month and created some stuff.




A sit down kickflip never looked so good.

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