Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I bought my three day pass.

To Circuit of the Americas in Austin Texas. Formula 1 returning to the United States!

circuit of the americas track

I'm very excited. Now I just gotta get my plane ticket, and figure out the staying somewhere situation. May be a hotel, may be someones place.

I'm sure I will put more info up as it comes.
Official website here.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

This pool is awesome.

I like the size, the saint Peter's cross tile, the lights, the dripping blood. Rad.

Here is another good pool.

Hey internet! You're welcome!

I'm sure you've seen the "organized desktop" office wall paper deal. Has a framed painting of Kramer in it. Its pretty cool.

Well, I looked and looked, but there wasn't a blank one. The dude probably just made it, and put that shit on boing boing or somethin'.

I did find this epic piece of shit. This idiot obviously is oblivious to eye sight.

So I went ahead and did the internet a favor. Photoshopped all that bull shit out, so you can start fresh. You're welcome. organiez desktop kramer

Some videos.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


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