Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mercedes SL65 amg black



So I guess this car is like half the price, or two hundred grand cheaper than the Mclaren Mercedes SLR but its more powerful. They made it with like 1200 torques, but limited it to 1000 because if they didn't the torque of the car would force the earth to spin the opposite way.

Great looking Automobile.










But wait, not to have the SLR to be out done. Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren Stirling Moss. Amazing.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

"Sarah Jessica Parker ...

... She looks like a boiled horse." - Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear episode four of season eleven.

Spot on.


Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and wore it out

Wow. Not only that but tons of other AIM Acronyms at the AIM Acronyms Dictionary.

Also, fight screen names at

I'm pretty weak. Sucks.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Things I Did Last Night...


Easy mistake.

0 stole from cormans blog

Take that global scum!!!

As you may know I hate limos with all of my body. This picture was taken in the great city of San Francisco, CA.


Thursday, December 25, 2008

The only thing this day is good for.

It makes cats happy. I know it's a little late, but if by some chance any of you want to surprise me with a belated Christmas gift, I would really like the DVD this is taken from.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holy bolgna!!! These are old.

I didn't even know I had these hosted anywhere. I found them now that I'm spending more time on 379SHOW's myspace.

This first one was recorded on my canon powershot somethin' somethin' that I had in like 2003 2004. JohnL and I were skating Santa Monica high.

JohnL skate

This second one was recorded with the same camera, it explains how Kyle signs his name.

PO squig

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Honda civic musical road

Honda has created a musical road to promote the Civic! The William Tell Overture plays as you drive over grooves cut into a road in Lancaster California. Take a look at the behind the scenes footage to fully appreciate what they’ve done.

Behind the scenes part 1.

Part 2 Part 3 part 4 Part 5

Saturday, December 20, 2008

S.k.a.t.e. 2

I still have yet to play s.k.a.t.e. 1. I guess I need to get with it... Well, for some reason I don't think they are going to come out with it formatted for Nintendo 64. Oh well.

Hell of a trailer for it. Lots of good guys, some surprises at the end.

Friday, December 19, 2008


p.s. Not really relevant but did you know Gabrielle Union is 36? Girl is lookin way crazy good for that age. She is looking good for 25 shoot. In fact, she was 28 when in Bring it on.. Whoa.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

List of common misconceptions.

Quite the list.

According to urban myth, the Daddy Long-Legs Spider (Pholcus phalangioides) is the most venomous spider in the world, but it is harmless to humans because its fangs cannot penetrate human skin. This is false as Pholcus phalangioides can pierce human skin, however, the toxicity of this spider's venom has just a weak effect on insects, let alone humans.[44] It is likely this myth arose because some pholcidae actually prey upon and eat other spiders, including the black widow spider.[citation needed] In addition, there is also confusion regarding the use of the name Daddy Long Legs, because Harvestmen (genus Opiliones which are not spiders) and crane flies (which are insects) are also commonly referred to as Daddy Long Legs.[45]

Shaving does not cause hair to grow back thicker or coarser. This belief is due to the fact that hair that has never been cut has a tapered end, whereas, after cutting, there is no taper. Thus, it appears thicker, and feels coarser due to the sharper, unworn edges.[33]

Entrapment law in the United States does not forbid police officers from going undercover, or from denying that they are police. It is a common misconception among persons engaged in low-level crime that if an undercover police officer is asked, "Are you a cop?" that they must reveal themselves to avoid entrapment.[18][19]

The claim that a duck's quack doesn't echo is false, although the echo may be difficult to hear for humans under some circumstances.[38]

Mount Everest (pictured) is, indisputably, the highest point of land above sea level (8,850 meters / 29,035 feet) which, according to traditional measurements, means that it is the tallest mountain in the world. Given certain definitions, however, this can be challenged.[69] One alternative method of measurement is the base-summit height. When this is applied, Mauna Kea (a dormant volcano in Hawaii) turns out to be much higher at 10,314 meters (33,480 feet). This takes into account Mauna Kea's base on the ocean floor, some 6000 meters below sea level. Its height above sea level is only 4,208 meters (13,796 feet). If the base-summit height is measured from land only, Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest free-standing mountain in the world, meaning it does not belong to a mountain range or chain, measured from its base (at ground level) to the summit at 5,896 meters (19,344 feet). Another alternative method is to work out the furthest point of land as measured from the centre of the earth. Chimborazo, a volcano in Ecuador, takes this honor, because the Earth bulges at the equator.[70] This peak is 2,100 meters further away from the centre of the Earth than the top of Everest is.

* Thomas Crapper did not invent the flush toilet[93], Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb,[94] and Henry Ford did not invent the automobile[95] or the internal combustion engine.[95] In all three cases, their contributions were in the area of improving and popularizing the devices in question. For example, Ford added conveyor belts to the assembly line for automobile production[96], and used it to bring the cost of automobiles into reach of many more people, and Thomas Edison refined the internal gases and filaments, making a bulb last longer. Neither did Guglielmo Marconi invent the radio, a patent was filed before him by Nikola Tesla, a claim that was ratified by the US Supreme Court in 1943 in Tesla's favor.[97]

So much more too. Check it out.

P.S. New band name : Quantificational fallacies

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Linda Farrow sun glasses

These are all pretty sweet.




Pictures galooooooore

I sometimes hit you with a bunch of photos. This is one of those times. But, I'm not hitting you that hard. I'm going to leave some on my flickr for you to see there.

Met my mom at the dog park, the doggies played.
Foxy and Kalee
Foxy and kalee playing
So funny
Golden and kalee
Kalee looking sweet

Cute dogs.
Vega and Foxy laying down

Yeah its three pictures. Go to the flickr to see bigger.
sky outside 2

Then I went to the airport, cause I'm a fuck. Deal with it.
Plane taking off

3rd plane in clouds

Plane in sky (obviously)


In retrospective of this entry: Go to my flickr. not only can you see all of these pictures


but also others that you haven't seen. Why not put all the pictures on here? No reason, just seems like a lot of pictures.

P.S. I whole heatedly love Samuel Adams Winter lager. Stuff is good, reeaaallll good.

Lilly Allen is a dream.

She also covered Britney Spears "Womanizer." I like it. A lot.


lily allen copy

Saturday, December 13, 2008

SLT2MEASP (Sneak Peak #1)

Its my latest book idea.
Entitled "Spend less than 2 minutes editing a stupid picture."

Rick in Garbage.
Rick in garbage

Spy Hunter Oil Slick.
spy hunter oil slick
(Photo Andrew Riggs)

John Boom Elephant.
John boom Elephant

As always you can see larger of all these on my Flickr

More sneak peaks to come.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Well well well, for some people this is IT.


Vans camp once again pulls some classic inspiration from the music archives. A Slayer make-over with familiar artwork seen on the band’s 1991 release Decade of Aggression. Scheduled as a Spring 2009 release.






Wednesday, December 10, 2008


December 10th

Here in California its call into work gay day. Or day without a gay day. Wow

Its also Jasmine's B-day today.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A few things.

1. There has been 14 shootings in Fresno, CA over the past 14 days. Awesome right? Some cops were raging down the street earlier, I'm calling 15 for 15.

2. I bought a Sam Jackson Boston lager, a pint of it in fact. I took the cap off and looked at it. The caps on Sam Jacks have places where they have won an award. This particular one was way faded, so I was like "Whoa." Looked at the side of the label and BOOM! "For Brewery-fresh taste, enjo before month notched." Date notched: November 2008. O lorrr' I was like oh uh huh for real.
Samuel Adams Boston lager

3. I miss this dude a lot. p.s. my scooter has a flat back tire.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Blog Archive
