Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm not "cocky."

target gets cocky

I had this as a kid

Grape escape.

Clean up was a fucking bitch. Pretty much not worth the time.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Look at this majestic creature.

The Moose!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


I fucking hate the Cleveland Cavaliers because of that stupid ass bitch named Lebron James. That dude with the fro-like thing can go to hell too.

I was hoping it wasn't going to happen. But god damn... It did.


Shaq. Why? why why why? I want to support you, I truly do. But this is going to be tough. You could have gone to the Washington Generals, and I would have still supported you. I'm speechless.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This is nothing short of Biblical.

Sandwich Costume.

Styx live video.

I took some video when I saw Styx play here in Fresno. Here they are.

Suit Madam Blue.


Come Sail Away.

BBQ veggies / New bottle opener

Yes sir! Grilled some veggies yesterday. Pretty yummy. I used some Rachael Ray E-VOO

Rachael Ray's EVOO

I also bought a new bottle opener at Sur la Table. Its pretty rad. Pry off, screw off, and can tab.

Hop n' pop opener

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sandwiches Yes!

This bed is the bee's knees.

Anchor Steam - Summer Beer.

Aside from the Sam Adams Summer ale, Red Tail, and Great White in the 'fridge. Is Anchor Steam - Summer beer

***** I started this entry before trying the beer. I thought to myself I should probably try it to give my opinion on it. Well, I tried it. The after taste is that of a cheap beer. Like I'm drinking bud light or somethin'. Kinda weird.

*********** wait wait, I'm on like my fifth drink, its kinda getting better.

** Yeah, this beer is alright, pretty good I guess.

I would definitely buy others before I got this one again.

On a side note, just so ya know. Top beers: 1. Great White 2. Sapporo 3. Sam Adams Winter lager 4. Sam Adams Summer ale 5. Stella

summer beer

UPDATE 07.04.09 Its actually quite good.


There mother fuckers, three fuckin' links. Click one! They all go to the same thing, I just want to make sure you actually click, 'cause good got, its fantastic.

Contains the funniest and most depressing collection of found footage Cyberspace has ever seen.

Here are some examples.

This bitch is out of control.

There is a lot of funny going on in this. I like the cuts to some dude sounding like he is motorboating someone.

Good ol' Lily Allen.

Lily Allen, aside from being the cutest girl in the world, Has a new video! Video is alright, Song is really good.

I'm tellin' ya, her latest album is so incredibly good.


New deck.

Back to a size I like.

new board

Also, while going through things I found the Val Surf bag that I got when I purchased my first skateboard. Yeah, they put it in a bag for whatever reason. Also the Woodland Hills location that I was at was closing. Interesting. Anyhow, I threw the bag away. I have to much stupid ass crap like that.

No Phone

for about a week or week and a half.

Lets see how it goes.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

1980 Ford Pockar

Whoa. This is pretty tight.

Money Melon.

I still have half in the 'fridge.

Monday, June 15, 2009

This is in Fresno.

maxx putt fun zone

This looks worth checking out.

I absolutely hate miniature golf, so really I don't know why I care. But, glow in the dark!!! Inside as well, idk, I guess. w/e n/m

Abu Dhabi From The Sky

Pretty good set of pictures. found here.


If you have an AT&T phone with a full QWERTY keyboard, and you would like to sell it. Let me know. I guess it could be a T-mobile one too.

You can leave a comment.


Oh! also, I got on my skateboard right after the Lakers won the NBA championships. I haven't been on since my buddy JohnL and I went skating. Probably like a month and a half ago to two months ago. I've just not had the energy. But, I did it, and I must say it was good. Even with the absence, everything was goin' cool. Went to a cool spot a block from my place, it was cool.

The current header.

I'm going to change it Monday night. I'm leaving it for Monday, 'cause I get my majority of traffic on weekdays (primarily Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Interesting huh?)

Anyhow, I'm going to change it. I don't like it. I kinda do, but then a lot a don't. So by my calculations, "a lot a don't" seems to over power the "kinda do" thusly I shant repent, and thous remove-ath!

So get it all up in your eyes while you can. So that by Monday evening I can rip from your fucking sockets.

BTW, wtf Dlls? Did your pussy-ass iPhone break, and you can't up date now or what?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

My past week-ish

We love you so.

This is Spike Jonze's blog.

You should read, then watch the video on this particular entry of his.

If you don't shed a tear, you are a monster.

Friday, June 12, 2009

My conversation with Miley Cyrus

*lovek*le***: Hey Miley its Rick!
M*le*Loves*ou**: hii
M*le*Loves*ou**: are you gay?
*lovek*le***: Whats going on tonight?
*lovek*le***: No
*lovek*le***: I'm not
*lovek*le***: I just love my friend Kyle
M*le*Loves*ou**: you're names rick and you love kyle?
M*le*Loves*ou**: oh lol
M*le*Loves*ou**: cute
*lovek*le***: yeah
M*le*Loves*ou**: i love gay guys
*lovek*le***: he's a cool guy
*lovek*le***: ha
M*le*Loves*ou**: how old are you
*lovek*le***: I guess its a little gay
*lovek*le***: 20
M*le*Loves*ou**: so are you a little gay?
*lovek*le***: no
M*le*Loves*ou**: oh ok jw lol
*lovek*le***: not that theres anything wrong with that

Pretty epic right? Her sn was leaked a while back. She never gets on under it anymore. When she does its usually just for a couple of seconds. So this is pretty special. I ***** out part of her, and my sn, 'cause if you don't already have it, you're not getting it this way.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My neighborhood. (part 1)

Pope tire seal

Pope tire company.

1709 Broadway.

Pope tire company had three locations before building this one in 1941. It remained at this location until 1998.

One of Pope's specialties was customized recapping for race cars. They created custom molds so that each racer could have individualized tread on his tires-a sort of signature. Pope created a turned block design that Billy Vukovich, Edgar Eller, Johnny Boyd, and others used. They did the tires for the midget and hard top racers and for antique cars.
In 1989, Pope Tire Company was recognized as the oldest family owned and operated tire dealer in California. On October 30, 1998 George Pope retired and closed the business. For those who love cars and auto racing, the name Pope will long be remembered in the history of our valley.

Pope tire building

Pope tire sign

Pope tire side

All above info was taken from "The valley's legends & legacies III" by Catherine Morison Rehart.

From the Vatican to your car!

Koston on the swoosh.

I wonder how much he is making. I bet its a lot. Good for him. (notice the tag on the shirt.)

Risa's B-day.

I rode my bike to Livingstones, locked it outside. Go inside drink a beer at the bar. Risa arrives, I then find out, I'm not going to know anyone else. I end up drinking two vodka tonics for this reason. Everyone was cool though, it was a pretty awesome time. Then out of no where, when I was getting my second Vodka tonic, BOOM!!!! Nick Peterson!!! It was a got damn blast hanging out with that dude. So, now Risa is 21, Happy b-day again.

Risa and I

Risa and I

Pete pete and I

This was one of Andrews text. When he told me he wasn't coming out, I was pretty distraught. I never ended up making that scene either. Oh well.
andrews text

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I want to invest in a Stalk stock.

Maybe Celery Stalks.

Or Rye stalks.

Perhaps Bamboo Stalks.

Maybe even Corn stalks.

Definitely not slug eye stalks. I wouldn't have even thought of that.

Stalks Stocks!!!

I ate breakfast at ihop this morning.

I text my friend last night. A bit misleading.

NBA finals

NBA finals

I then replied with "I want to go too."

No response from her afterward. Oh well.

Sneaker peaker #2: Black on black on black on purple. ( uh-oh, you can also see the concrete floor, and granite counter top. Not to mention the "Infinity" feeders. )


This use to be brown, you know, the color of wood. Now its Purple. I used a primer coat of white, looks pretty good.

Record holder

This is my new bicycle. Univega Alpina Uno. ( Yes, Vega's name is in it. ) I love this bike.

Univega Alpina Uno

Look at those pedals! They are so tight. It has a gel seat, I didn't notice when I took the picture, but it looks all jacked up. Its pretty comfortable, and normally looks fine.

Univega Alpina Uno

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Don't worry.

I'll try and post more subjecated entries in the near future. Honestly I haven't been very driven by anything as of late. Nothing has really hit the spot for entertainment or interest.

Tomorrow I'm taking my new Bike into the shop to get a tune-up, go to the old place and clean. Bring some stuff to the new place, Have Bev's mom over to our new place. Then do whatever I want, cause I have it off.

Here is a picture of the outside of our new place. This is all you get for now, we're still working on the inside.

Outside of New place

Friday, June 5, 2009

I have the weekend off.

But everybody is out of town.

Remember that post below this one?

Well, my check was hyper-low. I had a number in my head, that I thought was realistic. I really wanted a new deck, so you know I set it to be met. But good fuckin' lord, it was not even in the ballpark of what I thought was gonna happen. So, Nothing new for me.

But, on the upside, yesterday I bought a new Bicycle. I really really really really like it. I don't have a picture. I'll put it up when I have one.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Friday I get paid.

I have a certain amount in my head. If the amount of my check is above it, I'm buying a new deck. I need a 7.62, the 7.87 I've been rolling on isn't flipping as well as I would like.

Also, I'll need to start using that board as well. I haven't skated in like three weeks to a month. I feel fuckin' horrible about it. I now live right by a really fun manney spot.

Lets hope.

Feel free to watch this remix.

Unkle - Heaven Remix from We Love You So on Vimeo.

Number of the beast.

665 (Take it down a notch.)

This is my six hundredth and sixty fifth blog post. Wow, its been going for some time. November 16th 2007 was my first post. Five more months 'til a two year anniversary.

Fresno's craigslist

It got a little crazy last night.

car and trucks

The Cadillacs, and Aston Martin are crazy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I have it off of work. That date is tomorrow. I have Tomorrow and Thursday off!

If we need to catch up, or hang out, give me a call tomorrow.

I'll be at the old place packing stuff up, and doing laundry.

Come on by, we'll have a beer, and smash some shit. Serious, I don't want to move everything, lets smash it, and throw it away. One thing I'm thinking of particularity is a ginger bread house.

Hulu desktop apps and random other crap.

Why hasn't anyone told me about this? Hulu desktop apps? Pretty awesome.

Toy story 3? I'd see it.

Got damn r/c Toyota Hilux pulling the real thing.

R/C Cars Pulling A Hilux - The top video clips of the week are here

Remember when I was mildly talkin' crap on the first Gymkhana from Ken Block? Well, theres a new one. Its pretty legit too.

This place fuckin' sucks. I would seriously eat a small piece of dog crap daily instead of having to go there. (notice how the website says there is a heated outdoor pool. THERES NOT!!!)

Some Mexican dude had my last name on his license plate. I saw it on my way to Andrews Graduation.
my name on someones license plate

Boo Berry? Is this the cousin of Frankenberry? Good ol' big lots.
Boo Berry cereal

Back to the berg.

If you recall the post about Thrasher putting on another Wallenberg bash.

Chris Cole - bs 360, Cody McEntire - big spin, Chris Cole - sw fs flip, Andrew Pott - hardflip.


alright everybody.

<alright doctor Nick>

its on.

These dudes, biked across Africa. Whoa.

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