Thursday, September 25, 2008


I love craigslist. "Free Pot Belly Pig (Madera Ranchos.)"

I want a grumpy 200lbs pig sooooooo bad. I think Andrew should have it, he can keep it in his backyard. It would be perfect. Come on, how awesome would it be. He can protect you from small children.


Anonymous said...

Ya it should be at Andrew's. Sounds like it wouldn't be so good being around Vega.

andrew said...

My backyard would be a horrible place. It would have no room, or food. I think we should get it and put it in the field by the house. That would sweet. Haha.

Anonymous said...

Ah I see. Well I made that comment without having, and still having, no knowledge of what your house or backyard looks like. Haha. I say Eddie's office. It can be the Arsenix Mascot. Chubby the Child Eater... Or something.

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