He grabbed my guitar and told me he recently was playing Black Sabbath but making it all surf. Awesome. He signed the Polaroid too.

After Tommy left I was thinking about going to eat some vegetable chop suey chow mien at The Golden... I then realized I have to make $17 last for awhile, so I went to savemart. I bought two dozen eggs, shredded cheese, butter, wheat bread, peanut butter, and an onion. Right under $16.... I made some omelets for Bev and I. They were good, I took some pictures below. On a side not, if anyone would like to make some donations in the form of good food, or invite me to dinner or somethin' I welcome it. Thanks.

I know i told you this already but i think you read my mind cause i've been craving an omelette for at least a month already hahaha...don't forget to take a picture of the beautiful omelette next time
dude green bell pepper and onions is the best freaking omelette ever.
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