Friday, August 29, 2008

Music on Myspace: Part 1

I'm going to start a new "Segment," "chapter," "artical," "...thing." I'm calling it Music on Myspace. It will include a link and description of my adventure while finding the deserving artist. There will be music of all types, big name, small names, no names. Always know that it will be some form of awesomeness.

I started this adventure looking for the Ludacris song "Georgia." Thats a bangin' track, and I wanted to not only hear it but perhaps change my profile song to said song. So there I was going through a list of music profiles with the name Georgia. I see one that has the music type set to hip-hop, I click on it and I see a song titled "ATLSK8 CREW BOI 23." I was blown away. You will be too.

At first I didn't think it was anything special, But then I listened to it 40 more times, I like it. I downloaded it using my Mozilla Firefox add-on that picks up any mp3 or video happening on the current page.

I'm including another link to the Jurassic Park's soundtrack. Enjoy.

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