Monday, January 12, 2009

tilt shift.

Pretty cool stuff, this new is addicting. I need to go out and take more photos that can be used with this.

RebelXT- 07.29.07 downtown 009 (Large)-tiltshift

Bridge (Large)-tiltshift

RebelXT- baseball game 08.02.07 003 (Large)-tiltshift(2)

RebelXT - S.F. dragonforce 076 (Large)-tiltshift

Rebel XT- skating river bank 018 (Large)-tiltshift

Alright now I have to confess. I've been trying different photos on this thing for the past week, these will do I suppose. I really thought by now I would have been able to get out and take some more photos. Oh well.

Incase you aren't familiar with tilt-shift what not, it makes things look miniature. Here are some great examples.

Also, The one photo above of the fans near s.f.... Well, it pretty much already looked like that when I took it straight from the camera, cause i'm cool.

RebelXT - S.F. dragonforce 076 (Large)

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