Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Downtown and not using my fish-eye

Unfortunately other than my fish-eye, and my telephoto I have crap for lenses. If you haven't payed attention to previous posts of mine, I need This.

Oh well.

Andrew and I ran into the Google street view camera car.

Google street view camera car
Google street view camera car

Saw some city workers hard at work.

city workers

We went up to the "sky room" in the Holiday Inn. The door was locked, but not shut properly. We went in and looked around, pretty cool view. No one was there so we left. We asked an employee in the lobby when it was open, evidently its not open to the public yet, just special events and private parties. I guess it is expected to be open to whomever by the end of the first quarter.

Sky Room

So we went down the street to Hero's sports lounge and pizza co. that just opened in the new year. Its pretty cool, fancy for sure. Good beer selection too. Their menu looked pretty good, and very well priced.

Hero's pizza and stuff
Andrew tom colins

Andrew got a parking ticket. You know those two free spots in the water tower parking lot? Yeah, we were in one of those. Dumb of the city to ticket that. Its a parking spot! No meter is their fault. AND!!!!! To send in your money or a complaint you had to send it to "The city of Fresno P.O. box "45689" San Jose, CA."

What?!! Why?? Why are our parking tickets going to San Jose?

Andrews ticket


Anonymous said...

My cousin has a couple of those lenses for his 40D. There's a pretty nice difference in picture taking things that happen when you take pictures. They're also really heavy.

Rick is not Serious said...

"Pretty nice difference in picture taking things that happen when you take pictures."

I'm not sure I understand.

It is a rad lens though. Super shallow depth of field. Your cousin has a couple of those? Thats pretty fancy. Its the f1.2 ? 'Cause thats whats the deal with the one linked.

1.2 pounds isn't that heavy.

Anonymous said...

It's either that or the EF 35mm f/1.4L and he has zoom lens and one of those light grey zooms. I don't know what they are but I know there the f/#.#L. He had the black zoom on the camera. It definitely weighed more than 1.2 pounds. It weighed twice as much as the other 40D without the L lens. He's a doctor though so he can afford all those nifty things. He's letting me use his old Digital Rebel.

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