Monday, January 12, 2009

The City review #1 episode 4

Rebel XT-  foxy w money


Anonymous said...

While your blog is always interesting, I must say that this day, Jan. 12, was your best day yet.

Rick is not Serious said...

Wow, thanks Katrina.

andrew said...

I don't know what this is referencing. If there is in fact a show called The City, I don't know about it, nor do I care to look it up.

Despite that fact, I found enjoyment in this post. Especially the fucking of New York. Cuz for real, fuck that place.

Rick is not Serious said...

The City is a show, sort of a spin-off of the hills. It takes Whitney Port (who is beautiful) and followers her around in her adventures in a new job, new city, and new friends. I love Whitney.

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