Monday, March 10, 2008

Don't hate.

I've always felt there has been a common camaraderie between the homeless and Skateboarders. I don't know if its something about authority, or going against the grain of society.

Rick: hey, when you were in S.F. a while ago... and that bum told you where when and whatever about your shoes, how did he say it exactly, like the part where he said he could do this, and the part where he did....... If you remember
JohnB: damn dude, he was all rhymin like he was mutha fuckin dr suess
JohnB: and was like, i can tell you exactly where you got them shoes
Rick: ok
Rick: then he just said like san francisco ca usa right now , or somethin
JohnB: yeah yeah
JohnB: cuz where i got tthem is on my feet right now
JohnB: but strait rhymed the whoel thing
Rick: nice nice

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