I went to the Home and Garden show here in Fresno. Its held at the Fresno fair grounds. It was pretty cool. I purchased three things. I spent $5 to enter a raffle to win this cat tree. I had never seen one like it before. If I win it, I'll give it to Katrina for Peter to enjoy.

The one I purchased is only sold at shows, not @his online store . So I pounced on it. Half dome. (its completely white while its not lit.)

Then on the way home, made a quick stop at the consignment emporium. Ended up buying three items. Those are coming in their own entry sometime this week.
Here are some dog photos.

#1 you keep talking about Consignment Emporium....I must go there.
#2 I LOVE LOVE LOVE your entry-way table and the way you've decorated it! GD I need a house so that I may hire you to decorate for me.
#3 I bought a lamp that I will soon be asking you tips on how to redo the shade, but I need to buy a better lampshade first. I'm on the hunt so i'll let you know when the time is right for tips on how to redo the shade. :)
Petey loves that you thought of him!
I Really Like The Table & How It Is Decorated In The EntryWay
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