Monday, December 6, 2010

Scientific drilling.

You know about this shit? Its crazy.

Chikyū is a Japanese scientific drilling ship built for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP). The vessel designed to ultimately drill seven kilometers beneath the seabed where the Earth's crust is much thinner and into the Earth's mantle, deeper than any other hole drilled in the ocean thus far.

Shits crazy right? Well look below.

Kola Superdeep Borehole.
The Kola Superdeep Borehole is the result of a scientific drilling project of the former USSR. The project attempted to drill as deep as possible into the Earth's crust. Drilling began on 24 May 1970 on the Kola Peninsula, using the Uralmash-4E, and later the Uralmash-15000 series drilling rig. A number of boreholes were drilled by branching from a central hole. The deepest, SG-3, reached 12,262 metres (40,230 ft) in 1989, and is the deepest hole ever drilled, and the deepest artificial point on the earth.

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