So, I was messaging with an old friend on facebook. He literally just made one, I'm very excited for it. So I was sending him some old pictures, going threw a picture folder called "screensaver number 1"
Oh lord, there are some oldies but goodies. I remember my screen saver used to be world renowned.
Here are some to strike your memory.
High school.

Hot big breasted midgets.

Andrew with some orange.

Andrew enjoying a Homer-in-the-box at Wackos.

Andrew's 21st b-day party.

While on the way to see Gnarls Barkley we saw this tow truck with two identical burgundy broncos, shot the fuck up. I had to take my camera out as we were passing, and got this shot off. This is only a fraction of what happened. This picture also taught me to get my shit together quicker for photos on the move. I think I've adapted well.

Super quality on this one.

Eddie use to work at Barnes and Noble

Eddie on a skateboard before he got back on the skateboard. Get it?

This was random, thats all I remember.

S.F. for The Faint!

Seconds after this photo was taken, a fire started.

Keystone light, Kyle, Kraft Americans cheese single. Andrew. Chomp.


Took a picture of a video. Rad.

On the way to see Tsunami Bomb at the el rey theater.

San Dimas.

JohnL sitting on two chairs.


Kyle senior year high school

This is some deep shit.

I was on somethin' this day. I was pretty much up to no good. I remember Eddie being pretty bummed about me ruining his candle and cutting board. Sorry man.

Mitch and Mindy

Mitch and Andrew

The Hamburgler is a pretty good Halloween costume.

JohnL amongst some pre-historic shit.

It was in the stars all along for Andrew to love miller high life.

Its only over exposed when its all white.

One of the best times in Pasadena.

Make-up for Make-out.

I don't recall. Really.

we were in a drive thru.

Obviously there is a lot going on. But one thing that caught my eye is a full beer bong inside.. inside my moms house.

high school

Side Salad Crew

We lived in San Dimas, we were on our way back from a beach. Fell asleep.

scooter and liberty.

Next week I'll do a post with pictures from the folder "New screen." (which actually isn't new at all.)