Saturday, April 17, 2010

Alright sooooo...

... I'm pretty much going to be busting at the seems with content the next few days. Not only things around the internet, but my trip to Monterey, Ca. Some new shoes I got. The horrible traffic in Monterey and As well as a photo shoot thats happening tomorrow with Jessica. So, There is going to be a lot of photos. A lot of words, and not to mention. Something I'm going to start, then compile into an entry. I'm going to go to fast food places. Have their trademark item, and compare them. I.E. Burger Kings "Wopper," or Taco Bells "Taco." Haha. idk. What would McDonald's be? The "Big Mac" or the "Quarter pounder?" idk. I'm gonna start putting some straight like investigative shit up in this bitch of a blog.

btw, I'm really pretty drunk and by myself.


p.s. I feel like I should include more in this, to take away from the content, like just put it here. hmmm.

I really don't see the point to this.

Dude, I get lost in wikipedia some times. residents of Pebble beach? Do I really need a list of this? Charles fucking Schwab?!?!? Daaayyyuuummm!!! Bev the doggies and I went on the "17 mile drive." Gorgeousness all around.

ummmm, I think I'll include the new shoes I got too on here.

The Vans outlet in Gilroy has a good deal. Buy one, get one half off. Both were $19. $32 for both.

Alright. ttyl, kthx.

UPDATE#1: I'm now not drunk the next day. I'm not sure about that whole fast food trade mark item thing. I mean, I guess it could happen. idk.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

I always get caught up in Wikipedia. List of residents... that's kinda creepy. Glad you had a good time in Monterey!

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