Then we went on my roof.

Andrew then attempted to jump (I think 'cause he secretly knew I was going to leave my left overs from BJ's in Eddie's trunk.) I silently shouted at the top of my lungs for him to stop. (I wish I had those pull pork sliders... oh well)

I just think that the above photo is a good shot of Andrew.
So anyhow, back to Eddie. Here are some of my all time favorite images of Eddie over the years. (weather I took them or not.)

Eddie with some chop-sticks, doesn't get much better.

I'm pretty sure Eddie was bummed that I set a candle on fire and ruined a cutting board. Sorry man.

Eddie busy @ barnes and noble.

Eddie is pretty good at playing the piano.

Happy birthday Eddie.
A fitting tribute. You speak very eloquently through pictures. Happy birthday Eddie, indeed.
I love all of these photos! My fave is the Barnes and Noble one.
Sorry I missed your b-day weekend, Eddie! Didn't wanna get you sick.
Also, the above comment is wonderful.
hahahahaha LOVEEE the pix!!!! He was so young in that barnes and noble pic lol and I love the J.Lo's Man shirt! hahaha whatever happened to that shirt?! Great tribute to Edward rick! Awesome!
I Love The Picture With The ChopSticks Because You Can See Stefanie's Father - Daughter Dance Picture (:
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