Originally posted on Craigslist:
"I am looking for a amazingly clean house. Somewhat modern but it must be inpecable. please send pictures of the outside and inside of your house they must include
The shoot will last about a day. Anyone interested please respond. If i choose your home you will receive a copy of the finished film.
Thanks "
So me thinking "what an asshole." thinking his film is going to be so rad that it could be the only compensation.
"Norm" E-mails:
"Hi, my name is Norm. I understand you're looking for a home to film in. I've attached some photos of my home. I remodeled in 2007. I keep it clean and nice. I'm especially proud of my bathroom that has huge windows looking out at my backyard. This opportunity sounds exciting. I have some questions. How many people would be here if my home is chosen? What dates are you wanting to work out?
Thanks, Norm. "

He Emails:
"I was wondering if you can send me some pics of the bedrooms of the house there are some scenes where the character wakes up in the morning and I need a bedroom. Dont worry this is a clean film.
Thank You
I email:
"My room has a bit more going on then my other rooms. Some things can be moved if needed. The bathroom picture I sent you is not the master bath, its the off the hall "everyone" bathroom. I included a picture of the masterbath, its more simple, and smaller."

I got the photos of the rooms from google image search for Modern kitchen, Modern bathroom, ect. Then the pictures of the outside of the house is from Gurantee real estate here in fresno.
He E-mails back:
"I think your house looks great. I would love to use it. To answer your questions there will be around 7 people there. It involves a lead character and thats it. As for dates it would be coming up soon I will keep you up to date when the time comes. It will be early next month.
Thank You for responding
"Thanks for sending them. To be honest I am wanting to only use the interior of your house a friend of mine has a great exterior but not as good as a interior of a house like you. I would like to do both. I will get back to you abot shot dates when they come closer about two weeks ahead of time. Mostly to give you a heads up and not a few days before. Well talk to you later.
"Hi I was wondering if you are available wednesday or thursday so we can shoot the scenes for the film. I would appriciate it if you can email me as soon as possible. I will need to talk to my cinamatographer.
Thank You
"the scenes will be in the morning like around 9 or 10 in the morning.
Thank You
"I may have to change the shoot day to thursday afternoon let me know if you are going to be available for that day and time for your home...Sorry about the short notice.
Thank You
Then I Email:
"I'm so sorry for the delay. I've been in the bay area on business. I'm open all week. Just let me know a day or two ahead of time.
Here is my address. 245 EAST BROWN
FRESNO, CA 93704
Its a corner house, its off of palm between shields and Clinton."
He E-mails:
"we will be shooting thursday at 12. it wll be about four hours.
Thank You
"have any questions call my cell at 313-21**
Thank You
"I stayed for a hour and found out you dont exist. The Realtor has not heard of norman and the house was never remodeled. I think what you are trying to pull is not right and its too bad you have to make people think something that is not true. Its too bad you could have been apart of something had you told the truth. Myself and everyone wasted a hour and a half trying to figure out what was going on.
Thank You Send
Then I hit him:
"Your life is a huge disappointment. A copy of the film? A copy of the fuckin' film? Wow, what a considerate handout for you to provide. Who would want that? Your under some illusion that your film is going to be hugely popular and fantastic. Please spare me. Besides, I never set up that meet-up you wanted. Never called you, never gave you my phone number, and stopped e-mailing you two or three days before the thursday your talking about. I'm surprised you believed it was real. And to go to the house, oh man. As for the house, it hasn't been remodled? I could have sworn I looked at that house when I was still in the market. Perhaps it was another block. Well, not sure if you've heard of Google or not, but if so, go there, go to the images search. Search for Modern living room, modern kitchen, modern bathrrom, ect. Within the first three pages you'll find the images I sent you. Didn't those pictures look a little too good? The differance in quality between them all would have caught my eye too. Oh well. Also, it took you an Hour and a half? Good lord."
Then we close with his response:
"so why go through all the trouble of doing this to somebody? Also my film is going to be fantastic. look the only thing im sorry about is that you are going to miss out. Well a copy of the film wasnt going to be all that was a teaser to get some people involved. I know some people and there were also free concerts involved also and other things. So congratulations you made yourself look horrible and people get back in some way what they gave to others. So you can sit back in whatever house you live in and be proud that you made a huge mistake.
Thank You
Yep. Thats how I roll sometimes. I can't believe this dude thought that it was real. And he went to the house and waited around, my god.
That's so great Rick. I agree, what kind of toolbox assumes that everyone should be privileged to let him use their home?!
That is great. I am bookmarking this post. If I'm having a bad day, I'll read it and think, "Well, at least I'm not that jackass who couldn't figure out it was a joke." Then I will feel better about my life knowing I am not a tool.
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