Last Wednesday the Amgen Bicycle tour came through a near by city, so some friends and I went and checked it out. We drank, a lot.
I took a picture of the finish line before anyone was really near.

Couple of things in this picture. Andrew, and Cans of fat tire. Now that I look, I guess Kyle's nose too.

Starting with drinks.

On the sidelines. (thats what I'm callin' it.)

Oh Kyle.

Here they come.

Then I switched lenses, but didn't adjust my shutter speed, so I got a few over exposed pics, I tried to make this at least visible.

I'm glad I figured it out, and got a picture with Lance Armstrong in it.

I guess Lance was 82nd. wearing his Team astana jersey.

I like how Andrew is out of focus in this. Really.

Yeah, this shit was fucking stupid. We were drunk-ish. God damn, I guess its some stupid ass dating on demand crap. We were interviewed. Ummm, I checked it out on comcast cable. Everyone on there is fuckin' dumb, old, or ugly. I'm none of those, So I hope they don't put me on. I need to call 'em or somethin'. Though, my answers were pretty much filled with made-up words like reactionisticfull and junk.

Then more drinks.

Now, I ended up taking 345 pictures, but from here things get kinda crazy and dumb, so I'm going to spare everyone including myself.
Drinking makes me drop my old-school phone.

Drinking makes Andrew not care that his shoulder got spilled on, or condensated on.

Drinking makes me take pictures of Andrews camera. (wait for it, theres two!)

I really like this picture of Andrew.

Paper being balanced on a pole. Pretty rad, I'm glad that while I'm drunk and have no idea whats going on I can still be observant and spot out some prime objects to take photos of.

Andrew took a lot of pictures. I hope to see them someday.