Went to San Luis Obispo for the weekend. Left Saturday a little late (around 9:30). Started the day with some mimosas, and a tour for Brooke, and her mom of my home.
JohnL decided to take his own car, he didn't feel like going three deep in my single cab ford ranger. W/E
So, got to SLO, parked at the hotel, checked in, then walked downtown. On the way I saw what you would think was a Mitsubishi dealership. They sold Volvos.
Here is Brooke standing next to that gum wall.
Met up with everyone else who was already at a bar drinking. Everybody included, JohnL, Tony, Garret, and Jaime. Here's Tony and I.
Everyone took off to go park at the hotel, drop there crap in the room, then walk back so they wouldn't have to worry about anything else for the rest of our time. In the mean time Brooke and I walked around, and found a god damn creek/river thing. It was awesome.
Ate, and fell asleep during the day while at Firestone grill.
Saw a bunch of other stuff walking around.
Then lets say the drinking got serious. Also got to The Faint. The show was so so SO good.
There are a lot more pictures in our group message that we have going on. I don't think I've saved some of them though.
Sunday I skated down a hill while others were getting ready. Then we went and ate near the ocean (shell beach).