Tuesday, February 26, 2013
All I want to get is, a little bit closer.
This is the best shit in my life right now. Song so epically good, and the video matches it perfect.
This whole new album is so god damn good. ugh.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Hippos keepin' it real once again.

Look at all that. You can straight fuck vocabulary up son. GET AT IT BOI!!!
Monday, February 18, 2013
Recently I feel pressed for time/I'm wasting the time I have with shit like half sitting half laying, and sleep. Bunch-a-crap.
I have some new things that I will display in a number of shitty photos. My dining room, and living room are on point right now. You can't really get the idea from these photos. I've been bumming on my photos as of recent. Idk whats going on.
This framed map, plant, pot, and table are new. Very happy with them all.

This is a new plant to re-place my dead palm. I call it Dino-leaf plant. (the leafs are large)

That Top mirror is new, replace a stupid purple one. Very happy with this one, very clean look.

I combined some photos here (like the first). The tree with the flowers is new (fake), along with the plant to the very left of it (real). I like this shrubbed area I've created with orchids, a succulent, a weird plant thing, and a everyday type of house plant thing, as well as two fake ass (but good looking) trees.

I re-did the dining room shelf. De-cluttered it.

This area has not changed.

Detail on the pillows.

coffee table.

I now have a dark green wood box to keep my remotes in. It has shredded cedar in it. Fantastic I know.

This is looking from the living room to the dining room. There is a bit of that new table in the lower left hand corner.

On the dining room table, these great coasters.

Here I am next to new things.

I don't really like this picture, coming out of the wood work.

Went to dinner and drinks with my friends. Katrina is making the most perfect face ever, Andrews is pretty good as well.

Katrina opened her Pasadena Kate Spade gift that she paid for. I think she liked it.

Yeah, this is pretty good. I like it.

Sunday, February 10, 2013
Next weekend-ish (thurs-sun).
I've been bummin' for the last couple of weeks. I thought it was from just being sick for so long. But idk, I guess I'm just bummin'.
I hopeful this upcoming weekend will be pretty good.
Its suppose to be 70 degrees this upcoming weekend.

Great skateboarding weather. Can't wait to get back on my board. Hit up that ledge behind that one bar in clovis, maybe try and find a nice manny pad. I know JohnL will be down for sure, I wish my other buddy Andrew will be available to do so as well, though he usually works during the weekend being in retail and all.
I have to pay for my truck to "pass" smog, so I don't know if I'll be able to, but imma see if SBI still has the Black on Black on Black all leather Busenitz pro available. Pretty sure they had it on clearance for whatever reason.

I'm sure during skating, we may do some drinking (during and after). I think I should be good to do so. I have avoided drinking since January 26th due to be sick. I drank a couple of beers this past friday, it went okay, made my stomach kinda hurt though, so that was weird and kinda crappy. We'll see.
Thursday - Sunday....... NBA ALL STAR WEEKEND!!!

I like how they have Rondo on that thing. Rondo's not playing NBA, update your fucking banner, I'm sure your media guys know about things in the NBA, and are paid enough to take...Maaaaaybe, 15 minutes to fix this.
Things start Thursday, two good games lined up. On TNT, @5pm Heat vs. Thunder, @7:30pm Clippers vs. Lakers. I'm excited for the TNT coverage. Although I think Shaq needs to get lost off inside the NBA... Their coverage is still great. Due to this Lakers Time Warner Sports Channel Net what ever the fuck name of that channel billion dollar deal I've had to watch most of my Laker games on that channel. Time Warner isn't the greatest.
So that's Thursday, Friday basically doesn't have shit. I usually dis-like the celebrity game.
Saturday @5:30pm the challenge, three point contest, and slam dunk contest going down. Should be entertaining (while drinking). Not sure if this will go down at a bar/restaurant, or if we(/I/whoever I'm skating with/whoever wants to come) should come to my place and drink/watch.
Then Sunday 5pm is the all star game, which is kinda fun to watch.
Ummmm, and I'll have gotten paid, so that will be nice. I already got my state tax return, so perhaps my federal will come this week. I will do my best to save it all so maybe I can buy a new camera at the end of the month, but, I've been saying that for a while.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
I missed out on the first batch.
Earlier in the week I was alerted of Lomography coming out with a new film. "Lomochrome Purple 400" is almost (though not quite) the same as Kodak Aerochrome, that wonderful purple cast aerial surveillance film of old. No filter, or special development needed.

There have been rumours of them making bids for the Kodak film stock. I think that would be amazing. They have the popularity, and fan base to really be successful with that. If you hadn't heard Kodak was selling all their patents, and film stock, then please get with it.
They had a pre-sale for this film on Lomography's site. Film is set to be delivered in July. I had it open in a tab to buy when I had some more money. Went to do it this morning. Sold out of 400 speed 35mm. Bummed. I gave them my E-mail address to be alerted for the second batch.

I was first made aware of this from the great site http://japancamerahunter.com/
You can go here for more info on the film type

You may remember these photos from a previous post of mine. I have always been a fan of this look.

Monday, February 4, 2013
L.A./Pasadena/Laker game/Friends/other stuff
Before we left for that weekend (Jan 26-27th) JohnL had bought this shirt online. When he opened the package (that was delivered to my home) I thought the shirt kinda looked different. We compared to Girl's website... The "California" is arched in his shirt, not the Girl shirt. California has bolts on his shirt, doesn't on the Girl shirt. Pretty crazy, some skate shop online, just jackin' shit.

Once we went through half of the grape vine, weather was so nice.

Bought my friend something at Kate Spade.

I was sick as shit. Since Thursday the 24th of Jan, just now getting better.

Got the ol' clan together in Pasadena.

Before I moved that orchid.

Whats happening in the living room right now (moved the orchid).

Sometimes my friends write really nice notes to me.

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Blog Archive
- All I want to get is, a little bit closer.
- Hippos keepin' it real once again.
- AAAaaagggghhhhhh.
- Fun & Great.
- Next weekend-ish (thurs-sun).
- Guh!
- I missed out on the first batch.
- Seapony - Falling.
- Live & Die in L.A.
- Blood Orange - "I'm sorry we lied"
- Spring Breakers trailer.
- L.A./Pasadena/Laker game/Friends/other stuff