I've been thinking a lot lately that I want a car again. One that I like, one that's manual, one that I can call my own.
Here is to remembering the Saturn, also known as, "The Rhino."
JohnL and Eddie found my car while it was parked.

One of the first photos I took with my Digital Rebel XT

Haven't driven that fast in a car since the saturn. More due to realizing its idiotic.

I use to keep a disposable camera in the glove box just for these moments.

Going to see the Locust in Anaheim.

Whoa, cleaned out the trunk.

I'm pretty sure I put those little marks in the pavement there when I had a rental ford focus.

had a tire blow out on me while doing 80 on the 99. Took a fender out, blew a side airbag out as well. That air bag could have come handy in....

...this. (good segway).