Except I'm not a third person... I had an AIM convo with John.
Rick (9:48:26 PM): hello hello
John (9:48:36 PM): hello
Rick (9:48:43 PM): I'm drinking some great white
John (9:48:57 PM): tight
John (9:49:05 PM): dont think ive ever had that
John (9:49:16 PM): im packing to go to yuma, az for 5 weeks
John (9:49:28 PM): at 4 fucking 30 in the morning
Rick (9:49:30 PM): Oh snap, you're missin' out. Its got a mad niggarish-ass shark on it
Rick (9:49:36 PM): Oh damn
Rick (9:49:40 PM): tomorrow?
Rick (9:49:44 PM): morning?
John (9:49:48 PM): ya
Rick (9:49:51 PM): damn
Rick (9:50:07 PM): whats going on over there? They throwin' ya a party?
John (9:50:16 PM): naw
John (9:50:23 PM): watching planes fly around and shit
John (9:50:28 PM): while living in tents
John (9:50:30 PM): in the desert
John (9:50:38 PM): in the middle of fucking no where
Rick (9:50:44 PM): damn
Rick (9:51:00 PM): that sounds like its not going to be that much fun
Rick (10:16:35 PM): how are you getting there?
Rick (10:16:37 PM): flying?
Rick (10:16:42 PM): Boat?
Rick (10:17:01 PM): come on nigga, that was funny!!!
Rick (10:17:15 PM): I laughed out loud after I typed it.
John is idle at 10:24:27 PM.
John: big ass bus
John: that is how we are getting there
Rick: damn niggas!!!!!!!!!1
Rick: the fuel economy
Rick: so bus huh?
Rick: charter?
John: yeah
Rick: or school
John: no
John: no no
John: like school
Rick: damn
John: but worse
Rick: worse?
John: yeah
John: and its 3 to a seat
Rick: Oh damn
John: and we all have a bag, and a rifle
Rick: hahahahaha
Rick: damn
Rick: three to a seat
John: grown ass men
Rick8: thats horrible
John: sitting 3 to a seat
Rick: hahaah
Rick: damn
Rick: dude
Rick: thtat is no good
John: and its hot ass fuck , and theres no ac
John: and the windows dont ever fucking go down
Rick: damn
Rick: so
John: takes like 4+ hours to get there like that too
Rick: really
Rick: this is a prison bus
John: ya basically
John: being in the marines is basically being in prison
John: except prisoners get more freedom, and waaaay less work
Rick: let me ask you this, let me ask you this, what is the army doin' these days?
John: being gay as always i assume
Rick: fo real?
John: i dunno
Rick: they not doin' nothin???!?1
John: just chillin somewhere i suppose
Rick: cause I never b hearin bout em
John: i dont ever see army guys
Rick: interesting, i wouln't spect you done
Rick: niggaaaaaaaaaa
Rick: I"m druink
John: tight
Rick: i got one more beer
Rick: in this 6
Rick: plus
Rick: I haven't drinkin in a while
John: dude
John: i havent drank in like 4+ weeks
John: and the other day
John: i had 3 michelob ultras
John: wasnt even drunk
John: but hungover as fuck the next morning
John: it was the shittiest thing ever
Rick: damn
Rick: I was going to try the mic. ult. but all the place had was a 24
Rick: ain't bout to do that right now
John: yeah
John: its good stuff
John: real good for drinking games
John: or if you gonna drink a shitload of it
John: cuz its light, doesnt fill you up at all, goes down smooth as fuck, and fucks you up like really strong beer
John: and the no carbs thing too, in case you are watching your figure or what not
Rick: sounds like a tri-fancy-delight
John: i would say that, yeah
John: dude, i gotta wake up at like 4
John: and its already 1230
John: fuck
Rick: true
John: not even done packing
Rick: damn
Rick: when dd you get this news?
Rick: 5 hours ago?
John: about going to yuma?
Rick: yeah
John: shit, weeks ago
Rick: oh
John: i just procrastinate like a mother fucker
Rick: tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
John: yeah thats how i roll