My good friend JohnL has finally made the move from Bakersfield to Fresno. I took some photos of the events that took place on the day before and day of the move.
John had to Pickup his two days worth of paycheck from fed-ex along with a name tag and phone holder for his truck.

John found some old C1rcas.

Jessica was relaxing.

John has some cute kid pictures.

Jessica just ate an Otter pop.

Tony drinks beer his own way.

Its like they're at prom.

The U-haul John had was pretty cool. It has some facts about the Venus fly trap on the side of it. Which is cool with me.






A mostly empty room.

Oh Geoff.


Pretty full. Check the Vitamin water supply.

This is pretty good. I'm going to do more with this photo.


John drove this to Fresno. (Why do they call it "moms attic" for the space above the cab of the van. Weird name, don't even call it anything, you're U-haul, you're trying to supply as much space to fit things as possible. The fact that there is 7 feet by 2 and a half feet of space above the cab is not blowing my mind enough that I'm searching for answers or even a proper name for such a space.)

I drove the GT-S