Thursday, November 29, 2007
Fresno Unified.
Toyota can see around corners
What the ???
"90’s teenager culture meets the classic french elegance!"

What the crap ?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
X-mas not Jesusmas
I see no reason to include this "name" in the day.
George costanzas dad Frank

had a holiday entitled "Festivus" I kinda like how that sounds.. Theres no punch line to that, Its just a fact.
Anyhow, I'm sending out my X-mas cards.

Monday, November 26, 2007
John: me and this other dude are making a site
John: gonna be pretty sweet
Rick: oh yeah ?
John: its still under construction, but you can bookmark it now
Rick: wow
Rick: what the hell does that mean
Rick: what is pedo ?
John: pedo as in pedophile
Rick: ah i c
Rick: hahah
John: and poacher as in hunter
Rick: right
John: we are chatting as 14-15 year old girls
John: getting pedos to be all creepy
John: saving a log of everything
Rick: nice
Rick: are you fucking serious ?
Rick: holy crap
John: then, since we are talking on im to them
Rick: hahahahahahahahahahaha
John: we can get their IP address
John: and trace that back to their home address
Rick: oh shit
Rick: oh shit
Rick: oh SHIT
John: and posting their pics, name, myspace, home address, phone number
John: and all the logs
Rick: hahahahaha
Rick: holy crap
John: and
John: we are gonna put ads on the site, and advertise it places, and accept donations to keep doing it
Rick: nice
John: but its mostly for the humor
John: weve got one guy so far
Rick: right
John: and also, well have a forum to disscuss it on the site
John: and if those pedos want their shit off the page
John: they gotta pay
Rick: hahahahahaha
Rick: fucking amazing
John: its all underway already too
Rick: sounds like gold
John: we just take pics off girls myspaces, and send em to the dudes
Rick: pure fucking gold
Rick: hahaha
Rick: nice
John: yeah
John: then you go into aol chats, or yahoo chats
John: where everybody is trying to cyber
Rick: yeah
John: and booo ya
Rick: good stuff
John: need to start spreading word son
Rick: dude
John: trying to make it pretty big
Toyota analyzes.

Toyota is putting on demos of a driving simulator that analyzes driving characteristics under various conditions such as drunkenness and drowsiness. More specifically, the device enables researchers to "conduct driving tests that would be too dangerous to perform in the real world or that require specific driving conditions. The simulator is a 4.5-meter high pod that is the first to move laterally and has the longest range of 35-meters front to back and 20-meters from right to left. With the data collected from these demos Toyota will subsequently decide what new safety features should be added to its fleet of motorcars.
Now if only we could get one in a local arcade.
Toyota is Human Touch.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
B.A. makes me think.
Did you know Nike were getting ready to make a full skate team?
I knew some of the guys on the team already, I knew Reese, Chet and Richard Mulder, and Daniel Shimizu, Gino, maybe a couple of other people, I don’t remember exactly who was on at the time. Oh, Todd [Jordan] and Supa- God, they already had quite a few people when they picked me. So yeah, I was happy because I knew the people that run the skateboard part are skaters, so I knew it wasn’t gonna be like this corporate people I had to answer to. I know them and they skate so it’s comfortable.
You don’t see Nike as this corporate image then?
Yeah, sure I do in some ways, but I don’t because I’m behind the scenes and when I go up to Nike, the skateboarding part is in its own little corner. It’s still in this huge Nike corporation, but I mean, Vans is pretty corporate too nowadays, you know. I mean, I would feel bad but I know that my friends who have their own company, like Lakai, they’re doing really well so, it doesn’t make me feel that horrible because my friends are still doing really good doing more ‘core’ skateboard stuff I guess people would call it.
Why do think Nike seem to get hated, when they’re doing the same kind of thing as Vans?
Because it’s Nike. It wasn’t born out of skateboarding, you know. Vans was born out of skateboarding so it’s more core skate culture affiliated. Yeah, its weird, sometimes I think about it. I ride for other companies that are pretty core, and I’ll always support them. I feel ok because I have balanced sponsors.
If you know me, you know I hate Nike, but Brian Anderson brings up some good points, and this Nike SB video is going to be out of control. They have a great team.