Sunday, October 9, 2011

Had a really good Saturday.

Friday was a bad day. felt bad, head hurt, tough day at work.

Saturday was a great day. slept in/layed in bed and watched t.v. for a bit. Went skating, had a really really good skate day. Came up with two new photo sets to start working on. Ate some delicious spaghetti.

Visitor at the skate spot.
Praying mantis

This spot was incredibly fun, great ground, nice rail, and future spot of a pole jam (just need to take my truck over to bend the pole).
JohnL 50 50

JohnL feeble

JohnL lipslide

area of stuff

JohnL lipslide 2

JohnL lipslide 3

Then on to another spot.
JohnL kickflip

JohnL kickflip make lens flare

Then we left.
JohnL in subaru

Jessica and JohnL
john and jessica 6

Jessica and JohnL
john and jessica 8

Then Sunday I watched some football, and the F1 grand prix of Japan. Also moved some stuff around in the backyard.

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