Wednesday, December 3, 2008

FUN. (I wish kyle was here)

I bought beer. I was talking to Kyle earlier, he was buying beer. It made me want some.

Bike with Sam Adams winter lager in the basket

It was a bit of a shaky ride home, but it handled it okay.
Sam adams winter lager in basket

Went for a bicycle ride with Bev.
Bike through yellow leaves
Handle bars
Bev riding
Waiting to cross wishon
Yeah, its the musical note man-hole cover again.
Riding past musical note man-hole cover

Foxy jumping for joy
The gentalman Vega
Foxy wants some Sam Adams winter lagar

I think I'm going to change my header to the picture of the bike going through the yellow leaves. Not sure. I've noticed that everyone has different formats of viewing their internet browser. In mine my set-up my header goes from side to side and nearly down to the bottom (pretty much all you can see.) I go to other peoples computers and boom, it looks all crazy. I'm goal isn't to please everyone, but I would like that to kinda work out. Oh well. Theres also been a lot of picture posts lately, I'll try and get up on the stuff and junk aspect of this not seriousness rick being sort of thing. I saw this, got pretty mad wrote her and hate-mail that I didn't send. I also would like either this, or my new thing is one of these.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your header takes up only a quarter of my screen.

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